We Fight Monsters

Operation: #BuyBackTheBlock


We’re doing something different and new. We need your help. Instead of just housing addicted vets or trafficked women in recovery, we're about to start buying up trap houses (houses where drugs are sold and women are trafficked at scale) as we’re able to get them shut down, then renovate them and use them to house single vet moms in partnership with veteran’s court or single mom trafficking survivors through our NGO partnerships.

We have a very unique mix of folks who will be able to provide security to these houses, who come from the streets/neighborhoods they’re in and have both an understanding of and influence among the various elements still running them.

This, to my knowledge, has never been done before, but we’re going to do it.

We are going to #BuyBackTheBlock!

By removing real estate inventory from the narcotics and sex trafficking “industry”, there will be an absolutely measurable and immediate impact on the streets where we do it.

If you’re interested in helping us financially, with materials, or with labor, please let us know. We are starting in Memphis on the same dope tracks we escaped.

We owe it to that community for being part of the problem for so long.

We want to get moving on these two properties ASAP before the next dope boy moves into one of them and we have an extra hurdle to overcome.

We have been offered each of the first two houses for $25,000 a piece, which is well under their $40-45k appraisals, and will need considerable renovation to be habitable.  Every dime raised makes a big dent!

$600 provides a roof over one woman’s head for one month.

$300 feeds one for a month.

$850 covers out of pocket for medical detox

$150 covers a day of field outreach for roughly a dozen women

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We Fight Monsters

We Fight Monsters is a sister 501(c)(3) Non Profit to Flanders Fields, to carry their mission to those encountered on the streets, on the dope track, in the prisons and in the hell of addiction or sex trafficking who aren't veterans. Nobody on the Flanders team will step over the dead bodies of civilians to save a vet, but within the confines of the charter, funding can only be allocated to veterans. The need to stand up a second org focused on non-veteran funding for rescues and recoveries was immediately apparent, and to date, the Flanders team has been funding these efforts out of their own pockets, but no more!

We are here to restore life to those who were once dead to their addictions and the streets, for we were once the dead ourselves.

Frequently Asked Questions: Your Guide to Supporting Change

Find answers to common queries about how your involvement can make a significant difference. Whether you're considering a donation, purchasing merchandise, or simply seeking to understand our missions, this section is designed to provide clarity and inspire action.

How does donating to WFM operations impact individuals and communities?

Donations directly support our initiatives, aiding in recovery, providing safe housing, educational programs, and community revitalization. Each operation targets specific needs, ensuring impactful support where it's most needed

Are donations tax-deductible?

Yes, as a registered 501(c)(3) organization, all donations to WFM are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

How can I stay updated on the progress of operations I support?

We encourage our donors to subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on social media, and visit our website regularly for updates, stories, and outcomes from our various operations.

How can I support Operation BuyBackTheBlock and what impact does my support have?

You can support Operation BuyBackTheBlock by donating directly to the initiative, which helps transform neglected neighborhoods into vibrant communities and provides safe homes for veterans and trafficking survivors. Additionally, purchasing merchandise related to BuyBackTheBlock contributes to funding these crucial projects. Your support aids in the physical and social reconstruction of communities, ensuring a future filled with opportunity and safety for its residents.

What is Operation Make The Hood Great Again and how can I contribute?

Operation Make The Hood Great Again focuses on bringing holiday cheer and support to underprivileged neighborhoods. You can contribute by donating to fund holiday events, health support, and gift distribution. Buying themed merchandise also supports this cause. Your contributions spread joy and unity, directly impacting communities with much-needed festive spirit and resources.

How does supporting Operation Polaris & Southern Star help and what are my options for involvement?

Your support for Operation Polaris & Southern Star aids children shadowed by adversity and women ensnared by trafficking. Donations fund mentorship programs and provide essential aid, while purchasing related merchandise raises awareness and funds. By contributing, you empower individuals with the resources they need to overcome challenges and build safer, hopeful futures.

What can I do to assist Operation Sparrow and what does the operation aim to achieve?

Operation Sparrow aims to offer shelters and recovery programs for trafficking survivors. You can assist by making donations that help build and maintain these sanctuaries of healing. Additionally, supporting the operation through the purchase of Sparrow-themed merchandise aids in funding and raising awareness for these critical efforts. Your support fosters environments where survivors can heal and regain their strength.

How can I get involved with Operation Margaritaville, and what is the operation’s goal?

Operation Margaritaville seeks to provide care and facilities for disabled survivors. You can get involved by donating to the operation, which helps fund care facilities and support services. Purchasing Margaritaville-related merchandise also contributes to this cause. Your involvement ensures disabled survivors receive the necessary aid for a dignified and independent life.

What is the purpose of Operation Initium, and how can I support it?

Operation Initium helps individuals in inner cities start anew with educational and job training programs. Support this transformational initiative by donating to fund these life-changing programs or by buying Initium-themed merchandise. Your support reduces recidivism, inspires change, and assists individuals in paving a new path toward a hopeful future.

How does Operation Procyon assist families, and what are the ways to support this operation?

Operation Procyon provides support to families in need, guiding them towards stability and unity. You can support this mission by donating, which aids in the creation of stable environments for these families, or by purchasing Procyon-themed merchandise, which helps fund and promote the operation. Your contributions light up the lives of families, offering them a guiding star towards a brighter future.